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What are Hard Robotics?

Hard robotics refers to the branch of robotics that involves the creation and use of machines primarily composed of rigid materials such as metal and

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Soft Robotics

What Are Soft Robotics

Soft robotics is an emerging field within the broader domain of robotics that focuses on creating robots from highly flexible materials. Unlike traditional robots, which

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Robotics in Space Exploration

Space exploration has always captivated the human imagination, from the first ventures into orbit to the tantalising prospects of colonising distant planets. While the early

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Most Popular Stories

What are Hard Robotics?

Hard robotics refers to the branch of robotics that involves the creation and use of machines primarily composed of rigid materials such as metal and

Soft Robotics

What Are Soft Robotics

Soft robotics is an emerging field within the broader domain of robotics that focuses on creating robots from highly flexible materials. Unlike traditional robots, which